TOB Wholesale offers free samples in all categories for Fashion-Industry lovers in order to promote our website and products. Don’t hesitate to contact us pa*****@to**********.com“>su*****@to**********.com if you have any interest and meet any one of the following demands.

  1. Fashion Blogger Qualifications
    • Post about Fashion Trend for at least 1 Year
    • Female
    • Ages 15-38
    • Any countries located in USA & EU & South East Asia
  2. Instagram
    • Follower over 2000
    • Focus on fashion trend topic
  3. Tictok
    • Follower over 3000
    • Focus on fashion trend topic
  4. Youtube
    • Subscriber over 3000
    • Focus on fashion trend topic
TOBWholesale reserves the right to use the information of your post

We may collect photos or videos of your post .
At times, we may use the content. E.g., we may put it on Facebook or Instagram or use your photos on our website. If you do not agree, please inform us in advance.